Graduation FAQs

Applying to Graduate

What is the deadline to apply to graduate?

Whether you plan on attending your convocation ceremony or not, you must apply to graduate. For more information on applying to graduate and the deadlines, visit the webpage Applying to Graduate.

What does Baccalaureate mean?

On the Application to Graduate, there is an option for your degree to read as Baccalaureate. This is the Latin term for Bachelor’s degree. These terms mean the same thing. When completing your Application to Graduate on WebAdvisor, please choose one as you would like it to appear on your degree.

I have already submitted my Application to Graduate but I would like to change my Bachelor/Baccalaureate selection.

If you made a mistake and selected the wrong option, please send an email to with your request to change. Please include your name and Student ID in the email.

What is my academic standing on graduation/how do I find my standing on graduation?

Your standing on graduation is determined by your cumulative average. To find your standing on graduation, log in to WebAdvisor, select 'Academics' on the drop-down menu on the left side, then select 'Student Planning', then 'My Progress' to view your Academic Profile. This will clearly outline if you have completed your graduation requirements.

Standing on graduation is noted for graduates from the honours programs as follows:

  • Degree with Distinction: Cumulative average of 80% or higher.
  • Degree with Honours: Cumulative average of 70-79%.
  • Degree with Standing: Cumulative average of less than 70%.

For further questions about this, please contact your Academic Advisor.

What does it mean to be placed on "Financial Sanction"?

Any graduating student who has an outstanding balance at the time of Convocation will be placed on financial sanction and will not be issued the official degree or diploma parchment at the convocation ceremony. Parchments will be withheld until payment is made.

If I am taking my last course(s) in the summer, can I graduate in June?

If you are taking additional credit courses that are required to complete your degree in the summer semester, you will NOT be eligible to graduate in June. You will be eligible to graduate in the fall semester.

I’m taking a course at another institution by Letter of Permission. What is the deadline to have my transcripts sent to my Academic Advisor?

For this deadline and other important information, visit the webpage Dates and Deadlines..


How will my name be displayed on the parchment?

Your name will be displayed exactly how it is shown on WebAdvisor. For example, if WebAdvisor shows your first, middle and last names, your parchments will reflect the same.

Before submitting your Application to Graduate, please ensure that your name is spelled correctly in WebAdvisor.

Can I change the name that appears on my parchment?

Yes, please complete the Legal Name Change Notice or Change of Given Name(s) and/or Gender Identity Information form, sign it and return it to Student Services at with the required supporting documentation.

For Summer 2025 graduands, all changes must be made prior to April 25, 2025, for the request to be reflected on your parchments.

For Fall 2024 graduands, all changes must be made prior to September 27, 2024, for the request to be reflected on your parchments.

Will my standing on graduation (Honours or Distinction) be noted on my parchment?

No; your standing on graduation will not show on your parchments. It will only show on your transcript documents.

At the Convocation ceremony, only those graduands whose standing is at the Distinction level will be indicated in the program and announced.

I declared an Area of Emphasis, where and how is that noted?

If your program supports the choice of an Area of Emphasis or Specialty, please complete a Area of Emphasis form. The Area of Emphasis or Specialization will be noted on your transcripts.

I need to re-order my parchment(s).

Please contact us at to re-order your parchments.

I am graduating in the Fall when do I receive my parchments?

This is a no-ceremony graduation. Graduates will receive their parchments in the mail to the address indicated on their student record after the fall convocation date, this can be found in the student academic calendar.


When will I find out what time my ceremony will take place?

Convocation 2025 will be held on Monday June 16, 2025 at the Toronto Congress Centre.

Ceremony times times will be announced at the end of the Winter 2025 semester.

Fall 2024 graduates are invited to attend the June 2025 convocation ceremony. (Read more about Fall graduation).

If I am unable to attend Convocation, how do I receive my parchments?

Parchments will be mailed to the home address the University of Guelph-Humber has on file after the convocation proceedings.

Make sure this information is correct!

I graduated and received my parchments in Fall and I wish to attend a Convocation ceremony.

If you graduated in the fall, you will be invited to attend convocation in the Summer. You will need to RSVP to inform us that you will be attending.

Information on how to register for the summer convocation will be sent to fall graduates from

Do children require a ticket to attend Convocation?

Tickets are issued according to the number of seats available. Children age two and under do not require a ticket. Please be prepared to show your tickets if requested by an Usher.

Do you identify as Indigenous?

If you are a graduands who has self-identified as Indigenous you can receive a medallion from the Indigenous Education and Engagement table at convocation. The medallion can be worn at convocation to display your pride in your history and culture.

Where can I get grad pictures taken?

For information and instructions, go to the Graduation Photography page.

How do I receive my convocation regalia?

A cap and gown will be provided at convocation to students who register on Tassel. Please note, the caps are yours to keep, but the gowns and hoods must be returned after the ceremony.

How do I invite international family/guests to convocation?

Graduates inviting international family/guests to Convocation

All guests attending Convocation require a ticket. Graduates will receive three complimentary guest tickets. Graduates who are inviting international family/guests that require a visa to visit Canada may require a letter from the University to submit with the visa application.

You must be eligible to graduate to receive a letter.

How do I get a letter? 

What do I include in the email? 
To request an invitation letter, please include the following in your email:

  1. Your full first and last name
  2. Your 7-digit student number
  3. A statement that you are attending the convocation ceremony
  4. The full first and last names of each of your intended guests


Can I get more tickets? 

Due to the size of the graduating class, extra tickets are NOT guaranteed and the number of tickets available is dependent on attendance for each ceremony. 

Should an extra ticket become available, all extra ticket requests will be randomly allotted by June 3 and added to your Tassel account. 

The ceremony will be live broadcast for guests who are unable to attend. 

Is convocation live broadcast?

Yes, the ceremony is live broadcast for guests who are unable to attend.


Can I take courses after I graduate? If so, does it affect my GPA?

Yes; you can take courses following your graduation date. The grades you achieve in these courses will affect your cumulative GPA but it will not change your standing on graduation (Honours or Distinction). For more information, refer to the Visiting Student Applicant.

Can I request a copy of my transcript?

Yes; requests for transcripts are handled by the Office of Registrarial Services. More information about how to print or order your transcript can be found here.

When will my transcript show that I have graduated?

Official transcripts from the University of Guelph-Humber will show that a degree has been conferred after October 26, 2024 for Fall 2024 graduates and June 16, 2025, for Winter 2025 graduates. Learn more about transcript requests here

Please email if you have questions.


I would like to change the address or phone number on my student record.

You can change your address and phone number information through Notice of Change of Address forms.

How long do I have access to my Gryphmail email address?

Your UofGH Gryphmail email address will expire one year following your graduation date. We recommend you use this time to transfer any information you’d like to keep to a personal email account.

To receive information about alumni events, perks and benefits, and other news, make sure you submit an Alumni Contact Information Update Form with your personal email address.

Can I get a grad cap if I did not attend Convocation?

Grad caps are only distributed to graduating students who attend Convocation. Please contact – Gaspard & Sons, to ask about purchasing options.

Contact Us

I have additional questions.

If you have questions not addressed above, please email or call the Student Services office at 416-798-1331 ext. 6288.


The Convocation FAQ will be updated regularly and we will continue to share further information as details become available. At any time, you can review the FAQ or send questions to