Visiting Students

Application Procedures for Visiting Students

To qualify as a visiting student, you must identify as one of the following:

  • You are currently enrolled in University and want to take University of Guelph-Humber courses.


  • You would like to enroll in University of Guelph-Humber courses to fulfill the requirements of a professional designation.

All visiting students have non-degree status which means they are not working towards a University of Guelph degree.

If you are a graduate or soon to be graduate of the University of Guelph-Humber and would like to complete courses, please fill out the Application for Re-admission. You are not considered a visiting student.

Letter of Permission

Visiting/Letter of Permission status allows you to take courses for credit at the University of Guelph-Humber for a specific semester and transfer your credits back to your home institution towards completing your credential. Transcripts are not normally required; however, they may be needed to verify that course prerequisites have been completed.

If you are working to complete the requirements for a professional accreditation, you may apply as a visiting student and must submit documentation to support proof of membership (including full name, association and student membership).

What should your Letter of Permission include?
To apply as a visiting student, you must obtain a letter of permission (LOP) from your home institution. Your LOP must include the following:

  • The University of Guelph-Humber course code and title of each course your university has given you permission to take (e.g., AHSS*1000 - Microeconomics). It should also indicate that the courses are to be credited to your degree at your home institution.
  • Your name and the semester(s) in which you want to take courses (i.e., Summer 2024 or Fall 2024). Remember, you must obtain and submit a new application and LOP if you plan to remain as a Visiting Student beyond the semester outlined on your original LOP.

Note: It is recommended that your LOP list more courses than you intend to take, to give you more flexibility when it comes to the time for course registration. Should you not be registered in the courses listed on your LOP, you are strongly encouraged to check with your home institution before requesting alternate courses.

How to apply:

  1. Refer to the semester schedule to determine which course and section you would like to take. Semester schedules are published in the semester prior to the term you wish to enrol in.
  2. Obtain a valid LOP from your school and/or obtain appropriate documentation to support if you are applying to fulfill a professional accreditation. Please list your top three to five course choices, as we cannot guarantee that there will be space in your preferred courses. RESTRICTIONS: Visiting/LOP students cannot register for placement, practicum, internship courses or any labs.
  3. Complete the Application for Visiting Students/LOP available through the Ontario Universities' Application Centre for $70 CAD. The program code to select for Letter of Permission applicants is GVS. Acceptance of your application does not guarantee you a place in the course(s).
  4. Upon receipt of your application, you will receive an email from the University referencing your University of Guelph-Humber student ID number and your login credentials to WebAdvisor, our student information system.
  5. Request your home institution to submit your LOP/other relevant documentation to Admission Services at by the deadline noted below, noting your University of Guelph-Humber student ID number. (Please note, you may be asked to submit official transcripts to ensure you meet the prerequisites).
  6. Once the application and the LOP have been submitted by the deadline, you will receive an email confirming your status as a Visiting Student.
  7. Admissions will connect you to your Academic Advisor via email so that they can provide you with information about registering for the courses that you have requested.
Entry PointWinterSummerFall
Application DeadlineNovember 15March 1July 15
LOP Document DeadlineDecember 1March 15August 1

Submission of Documents

Please note that all academic supporting documentation, including transcripts and Letters of Permission, must be official and sent directly from the issuing institution to our Admission Services email. Materials submitted become the property of the University and will not be returned.

Your application will not be processed until all documents are received.

When will you hear from us?

Decisions will be made a few weeks prior to the start of the semester. We will send you an email when a decision on your application has been made. This email will contain next steps before starting classes as well as answers to frequently asked questions.

If you have any questions about applying as a visiting student, please contact Admission Services at 416.798.1331, ext. 6332 or