Academic Advising

A group of nine academic advisors posing with the plant wall in the background

Our Academic Advisors are dedicated to your success as a student. 

For each program, we offer personal academic advising to help you develop an education plan, build vital learning skills, learn about opportunities and resources, and resolve academic issues.

Contact Your Advisor  New Student Guides  Course Selection

Academic Support

Each program has an Academic Advisor dedicated to your success as a student. If you're a new student, start with our New Student Guide for a comprehensive list of important dates, resources and other useful academic information.

Academic Advisors  Early Alert  FAQs  New Student Guides  Testing Services


Academic Schedule

Get program-specific information, so that you can make informed decisions about the courses you need to take and when. 

Course Outlines  Course Selection & Schedules  Exam Schedules  Program Plans 

Schedule of Dates


Manage Your Courses

Learn everything you need to know about managing your courses, from selecting to registering and even withdrawing.

Academic Forms  Course Selection & Schedules  Course Websites  Dropping Courses

Letter of Permission (LOP)  Online Learning  Program Plans  Registering for Courses

WebAdvisor  Withdrawal Information


Learning Support Peers (LSPs)

Learning Support Peers are students with expert knowledge about our programs. They can assist you with selecting your courses, give you relevant academic resources, direct you to personal support services, and explain policies and procedures.

Meet with a Learning Support Peer


University Policies

Contact Your Academic Advisor

Our Academic Advisors are dedicated to your success as a student. For each program, we offer personal academic advising to help you develop an education plan, build vital learning skills, learn about opportunities and resources, and resolve academic issues.

Academic Advising provides services in-person and virtually. Your Academic Advisors are here to support you in person in GH108, Microsoft Teams online video or audio call, or via email ( To schedule an appointment with your Academic Advisor, please use our appointment booking system, linked below.

Office Hours
9:00 am to 12:00 pmAppointmentsAppointmentsDrop-In**AppointmentsDrop-In**
1:00 pm to 4:00 pmDrop-In**AppointmentsAppointmentsAppointmentsAppointments

*Please note GH108 is open from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, closed from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm.

**During Drop-In times, you can log in to Microsoft Teams and send questions directly to your Academic Advisor OR stop by in-person in GH 108 and check in with the front desk.

Whether you choose to visit us in-person, use our efficient online drop-in/appointment service, or use email, we are available to help.

Advisors Block

Kimberly Zammit

Kimberly Zammit

Associate Registrar, Academic Advising, Registration & Records
Kelsey Orlando

Kelsey Orlando

Academic Advisor - Business (Last Names: A - K)
Hilton Lieu

Hilton Lieu

Academic Advisor - Business (Last Names: L - Z)
Lalita Manku

Lalita Manku

Academic Advisor - Community Social Services (On Campus) , Kinesiology
Alyson Green

Alyson Green

Academic Advisor - Community Social Services (Online) , Early Childhood Studies (Online)
Jenni Mastroianni

Jenni Mastroianni

Academic Advisor - Early Childhood Studies (On Campus) , Psychology (Last Names: A - K)
Cheryl Nicholas

Cheryl Nicholas

Academic Advisor - Justice Studies (Last Names: A - K), Justice and Public Safety (Online)
Joseph Italiano

Joseph Italiano

Academic Advisor - Justice Studies (Last Names: L - Z)
Nasreene Corpuz Kasznia

Nasreene Corpuz Kasznia

Academic Advisor - Media and Communication Studies , Psychology (Last Names: L - Z)
Kayla Charbonneau

Kayla Charbonneau

Registrarial Services Associate
Kristine Latincic

Kristine Latincic

Registrarial Services Associate