Placement Services

An advisor speaking to a student in their cubical office.

Field placements and internships let you take the theoretical learning of the classroom into the workplace, where you can practice what you've learned. Career & Placement Services staff are here to support you along the way.

We've developed resources and forms to clearly set out the terms and details of your placement or internship. All University of Guelph-Humber students must complete the forms before starting their placement. 

Connect to GHworks portal

Placement Services for Students

Program placements

Completing placement forms

Get ready for your placement or internship

Tips for placement or internship success

Services for Employers and Partners

Interested in hiring University of Guelph-Humber students or alumni? We're available to meet with you at your business to provide you with more information about the University of Guelph-Humber and to discuss your ideal recruitment strategy.

We work with you to plan your company's recruitment timing, attendance at University of Guelph-Humber recruitment events, on-campus interviews, and job postings on the Guelph-Humber Career & Placement Portal, GHworks.

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