
Become a professional who supports and positively impacts children's lives.

Unlike traditional science degrees, no science prerequisites are required. We'll teach you through our innovative approach, which integrates psychology, neuroscience, education and health.

Learn about the physical, cognitive, emotional and social development from prenatal stages to age 12; how environments and relationships influence growth and well-being; to create safe spaces of belonging and support mental health; and how to integrate safe technology into play. Explore inclusive and culturally responsive learning environments and advocacy for children's rights.

1st year: Introduces you to the domains of child development and theories and foundations of early childhood.

2nd year: Learn the basics of human anatomy and physiology; how to create curriculum; observation and research skills; dynamics of relationships; and how biases impact our interactions with children and families.

3rd year: Learn the complexities of children's mental health and how to plan and implement therapeutic interventions designed based on children's unique developmental needs.

In your third year, you have the option to focus your studies through one of three specializations.

  • Children's Futures (first in the world to offer this specialty): Prepare to shape a brighter tomorrow by anticipating and responding to the evolving needs of children through innovative, ethical, and future-focused strategies. Courses include Ethics & Privacy with Children, Technology & Innovation, and Designing for the Future.
  • Infant & Child Mental Health: Explore more to further prepare yourself to support the emotional and psychological well-being of children by understanding the complex factors that shape their mental health from infancy through early childhood. Courses include Developmental Neuroscience, Social Epigenetics, and Grief & Loss.
  • Pathway to Child Life: Prepare for a fulfilling career as a Certified Child Life Specialist, completing the coursework required to gain the expertise needed to support and empower children and families in pediatric healthcare environments. Courses include Development in Adolescence, Introduction to Child Life, and Grief & Loss.

If you choose not to do a specialization, then you select three of the italicized electives above.

4th year: Your fourth year emphasizes professional skills such as leadership, collaboration, and administration. You also continue with courses related to your specialization.

Work Experience

Up to 800+ hours of workplace experience

1st year: 48 hours

Winter: Job shadowing will help introduce you to early learning and care settings.

2nd year: 120 hours

Winter: Experience an early learning and care setting.

3rd year: 240 hours 

Fall/Winter: Participate in a placement related to inclusion and special needs. Gain knowledge in community-based organizations.

4th year: 200 hours + 200 hours

Fall: Selecta setting tailored to your career aspirations and knowledge base. You could choose to end your placement hours at this point (608 hours) and continue with a research thesis.

Winter: Continue in your placement.


Borrow from our extensive collection of educational and therapeutic materials and toys in the Early Childhood Studies Resource Room to enhance your placements. Examples include Paro the therapeutic seal pup (robot) and virtual reality headsets.

Past Placements

  • Children’s mental health centres
  • Children's advocacy
  • Community-based family organizations
  • Early intervention and prevention programs
  • Inclusive early learning and care centres
  • Hospital child life units
  • Primary school classrooms
  • Therapeutic environments

Note: You will be required to complete a Vulnerable Sector Screening, documentation of immunization and a First Aid/CPR certificate prior to placement.


Popular course: Mental Health & Trauma

student standing at desk writing on a card with large U of GH letters behind


  • Infant & Toddler Development
  • Children with Exceptionalities
  • Science of Play
  • Assessment & Intervention
  • Supporting Children's Voices
  • Advocacy & Leadership

Note: Courses listed above are a selection from all four years of the program. For a course breakdown by year, click on the Program Overview below.

Program Overview


Community outreach & leadership

Volunteer with your peers to support important social causes or community projects. Students have raised funds for Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, served meals to families at Ronald McDonald House, and participated in campaigns for initiatives such as World Down Syndrome Day.



Support professional excellence

Be part of the annual Becoming Leaders of Open Mentorship (BLOOM) Gala. Help recognize the impact and leadership of our students, instructors and community leaders for the difference they're making in the lives of children and families. Nominations are student driven.


I really like the environment at GH; it feels safe and like I belong. I was always excited to come on campus: staff and professors were kind and supportive, my classmates were always helpful and fun to be around. I got a campus job where I met people from other programs and it was so exciting - working with them was amazing.

- Linda G., Early Childhood Studies Graduate
Careers & Pathways

Options include...

  • Play Therapist
  • Early Interventionist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Resource Consultant
  • Behaviour Therapist
  • Registered Early Childhood Educator
  • Child & Family Therapist



  • Early Learning & Care Supervisor/Director/Owner
  • Children’s Lawyer
  • Research & Policy Analyst
  • Advocacy Specialist
  • Consultant
  • Child Protection Specialist

Graduate school and further education

  • Bachelor of Education (Teachers College)
  • Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology
  • Master of Arts in Child Study & Education
  • Master of Social Work
  • Bachelor of Nursing
  • Master of Arts in Immigration & Settlement Studies
  • Master of Library & Information Science

Note: Some careers and entry into further education may require additional study.

If you don't see your career goal listed here - talk to us! There are many more options.

Instructors in the industry

You are taught by professionals currently working in their field. They will tell you what they’re experiencing in the workplace in real time.

Hands-on exploration

You will get hands-on experience through a variety of in-class activities and topics including:

  • STEM with aspects of play and curriculum development
  • Literacy – exploration of storytelling methodologies, the science behind the acquisition of literacy and pre-literacy skills
  • Math – embracing the teaching of mathematical concepts through play and exploration
  • Culture – exploring the values of play and how children play in Canada and throughout the world
  • Music and movement – embracing music as a form of expression for children and discovering how to use movement in early learning settings
  • Art – developing an appreciation of the communication that happens through children’s artistic expressions
  • Sensory experiences – experiment with a wide variety of sensory experiences that can be used with infants and young children
  • Technology – integrate ethical and effective technology use into curriculum programming
Interactive classroom

See first-hand how learning environments can support diversity and inclusion for children with a range of abilities when you use our interactive classroom full of SmartBoards, integrative learning technologies and kinesthetic learning modalities including AR/VR.

Safe spaces

Once you experience, it you’ll recognize it. U of GH creates a tremendous sense of safety through the support of the Chairs, Instructors and staff. Feel comfortable to share your voice and care for your mental health.


Heading to law school

Graduate ready for Canadian law school or take advantage of our partnerships in England. Earn a senior status law degree (LLB) with City St George's, University of London in just two years without an LSAT requirement, or a Master of Law (LLM) through distance learning with the University of London in one year (full-time) or up to five years (part-time). Both with reduced tuition.

A step ahead

After graduation, take advantage of our partnership with the University of Guelph (in Guelph, Ontario) and pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or Master of Science degree (MSc) in Management. Speak with Career and Placement Services for more information.