OSAP Reviews

Once you have applied for OSAP, you can request for your application or assessment to be reconsidered in some circumstances by completing a review. 

All reviews and the required documents must be submitted prior to the supporting documentation deadline of 40 days before the end of your study period. All reviews may take up to 6 weeks or longer to be completed. 

If you would like to discuss your circumstances or would like to proceed with a review, please contact Student Financial Services for your next steps. 

OSAP Income and Assets Update

When applying for full-time OSAP, you are required to report the value of your assets as of the first day of your study period and the income you expect to receive during your study period.

If you need to update your study period income, please complete and submit the OSAP Income Update Form

If you need to review the assets reported on your OSAP application, please book an appointment to connect with a Student Financial Services Advisor. 

Letter of Permission (LOP) courses

A Letter of Permission is required if a University of Guelph‐Humber student wishes to enroll in a course at another institution and have the course considered as a credit toward their University of Guelph‐Humber degree/diploma.

Once the course has been approved by your Academic Advisor and you have registered in the course at the other institution, you must provide Student Financial Services the following three pieces of information to add the course to your OSAP application:

  • A confirmation of your enrolment from the host institution’s Registrar's Office indicating the name, start date, and end date of the LOP course
  • An official receipt indicating that full payment has been made for the LOP course
  • A copy of your approved LOP letter from the University of Guelph-Humber’s Registrar’s Office

Once received, your OSAP application will be updated with the LOP information which could lead to a reassessment of your OSAP funding. 

Personal Circumstances Review

To be eligible to continue receiving OSAP funding, you must make satisfactory academic progress in your program of study.

If you fail to meet academic progress requirements because of extenuating circumstances beyond your control, you can request to appeal your OSAP academic progress standing via a Personal Circumstances Review. 

Acceptable circumstances include, but are not limited to:

  • Medical Conditions
  • Family Crisis
  • Disability
Request for Review: Adjust Living Allowance

When applying for full-time OSAP, the Ministry takes into consideration your living situation. The Ministry considers where you live (i.e. at or away from home) to determine if you will receive funding for living costs. If you were not assessed for this living cost, you may request for a review to adjust your living costs.

You can apply for a review of your living allowance for your study period if one or more of the following situations apply to you: 

  • You are a single dependent student for OSAP purposes, don’t live in your parent(s)’ home or in a home owned by them during your study period, and your parent(s) live within 30 km of the school you are attending;
  • You are a single independent student for OSAP purposes, you live with your parent(s) during your study period and you pay them room and board or rent;
  • You are a married student for OSAP purposes but you and your spouse don’t live together during your study period due to the location of your school or your spouse’s employment.
Request for Review: Adjust Local Travel in Study Period

You can apply for a review of your local travel costs for your study period if one or more of the following situations apply to you: 

  • You drive more than 30 km from your home to your campus or school placement; or
  • You drive because it takes more than 1 hour by public transit to get from your home to your campus or school placement; or
  • You drive because there is no public transit between your home and your campus or school placement; or
  • You have exceptional public transit costs from your home to your campus or school placement (for example you are required to use multiple transit systems or non-municipal transit).
Request to Use Lower Estimated Income Review

The Ministry takes into consideration prior year income reported to CRA when completing your OSAP assessment. If your (single independent or sole-support), your parent(s)’ (single dependent), or your spouse’s (married/common-law) financial situation has changed due to unexpected and/or one-time circumstances, you can request to use the current year’s estimated income instead of prior year’s income.

For example, you can request this review to use estimated current year income if prior year’s income will be higher than current year’s income for reasons like:

  • Loss of full-time employment and/or new employment at a lower pay rate;
  • Illness, accident or retirement; and/or 
  • Receipt of a severance package, insurance settlement or other one-time income payout.
Parental Information Update

If you have already submitted your OSAP application, but need to make a change to the parental information reported, please complete the OSAP Application Update: Parental Information form

If you indicated Extenuating Parental Circumstances in error and would like to update your parental information, in addition to the OSAP Application Update: Parental Information form, please submit a letter from yourself confirming an error was made. 

Extenuating Parental Circumstances

For OSAP purposes, you are considered a dependent student and must provide parental information on your application if you have not been out of high school for more than 4 years for federal funding and 6 years for provincial funding. 

You may request that your OSAP application be processed without information and consent from one or both parents because: 

  • You are estranged from or have been disowned by your parent(s) (i.e., there has been a serious rift in the family that has resulted in a severe and/or permanent breakdown in the parent-child relationship or
  • Your parent(s) is/are unable to sign required OSAP documentation due to situations such as political unrest or civil war in the country that they live, their being in a refugee camp, or their where abouts being is unknown because of the political climate in their country.
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