Read our inspiring stories about student achievements, staff and instructor innovations, and alumni successes shaping our university community and beyond.
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5 study tips to help you excel this exam season
Guelph-Humber Psychology Chair Dr. Alice Kim explains these proven study strategies

Guelph-Humber Business Student Hits the Jackpot
Cosob Mohamed is the Winner of Canada’s Luckiest Student Contest

From Hawaii to Parliament Hill
How a Third-year Guelph-Humber Justice Studies Student Started Building a Foundation for a Promising Career

Where Does Social Change Start?
Guelph-Humber Justice Studies Student, Tenisha Noel Says it Begins in the Classroom

From Concept to Creation to the Gallery Wall
How two Canadian artists enjoyed the spotlight thanks to a dedicated group of fourth-year Business students

International Women’s Day at the University of Guelph-Humber
Inaugural GH Women of Distinction Recipients Celebrated

A Night of Reflection and Celebration
The University of Guelph-Humber's 19th Last Lecture

Emerge Showcase 2024
Media and Communication Studies Students Shine with Real-World Projects

Showing Adversity Who’s Boss
Guelph-Humber Students Bring Home the Bronze from International Case Competition