Rubina Leahy: The helping profession

Guelph-Humber building

Meet your professors

Rubina Leahy

When Rubina Leahy is not helping students learn, she’s helping people through times of crisis. For 23 years, she’s worked in the field of children’s mental health and social services; and so brings 23 years worth of case studies and experiences to her classroom at the University of Guelph-Humber.

“My students see where their education can lead them,” says the Family & Community Social Services professor. “They can see all the different possibilities and all the different sectors and all the different kinds of clients and all the different environments they’ll be prepared for.”

Having done frontline work with babies, children, pregnant teenagers and single mothers at the Massey Centre for Women, Prof. Leahy now works with adults and seniors as a director of client services with Victim Services of Peel, a crisis intervention agency.

“Real life experience is especially critical in this field. I want for my students to understand as best they can what it means to enter the helping profession. That’s what I bring.”


Rubina Leahy holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, a Bachelor of Social Work, and a Master of Social Work, all from York University. She spent 19 years working in various frontline and managerial roles at the Massey Centre for Women; she currently works as a director of client services with Victim Services of Peel.


Children’s mental health
Crisis intervention

Published Date
Sunday, July 7, 2013