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Alumni Awards

Alumni award

At UofGH, our alumni are our most passionate advocates. We strive to recognize the efforts of the alumni who help us to grow and thrive, and so each year, we present the following awards to our most dedicated supporters:

University of Guelph-Humber Alumni Award of Achievement

Award Criteria 

Established in 2016, the Alumni Award of Achievement honours the excellence of University of Guelph-Humber graduates. The award is presented to a graduate who has achieved distinction in their field and whose integrity and ability has inspired alumni, faculty, staff and students. The award is granted to individuals who bring honour to UofGH, who have made outstanding contributions to their community, profession, or industry, or have attained a high level of achievement through scholarship, teaching, research, creative contributions, etc. Nominations should demonstrate significant professional and/or volunteer leadership.


  • University of Guelph-Humber graduate
  • Candidates may be re-nominated for up to five consecutive years
  • Past recipients are not eligible for a duplicate award, but may be eligible for other University of Guelph-Humber Alumni Awards
  • All nomination packages will be kept confidential. Nominators are requested to act with discretion when submitting a nomination package.
  • Alumni are permitted to self-nominate

Nomination must include the following:

  • Completed nomination form
  • Cover letter providing an overall statement of recommendation
  • Minimum of one, up to five letters of support
  • Additional supporting documentation you deem appropriate (i.e. nominee’s resume, URL to LinkedIn profile)
  • Nominations due by August 30, 2024.

Click here to submit a nomination for the Alumni Award of Achievement.

Award Presentation

Recipients will be invited to attend and be recognized at the University of Guelph-Humber’s virtual Alumni Reunion. More details will be provided in the coming weeks.

University of Guelph-Humber Distinguished Alum Award

Award Criteria

In 2012, the Distinguished Alum Award was established to recognize and thank alumni who have demonstrated loyalty and commitment to their alma mater by supporting the University of Guelph-Humber through significant volunteer leadership. This award recognizes those who have given selflessly of their time and energy through volunteer work with students, faculty, or alumni of the University. Nominators should demonstrate how the nominee has made a difference to the University by identifying the length of their volunteer involvement, areas of concentration and examples of the nominee’s loyalty and commitment.


  • A University of Guelph-Humber graduate
  • Candidates may be re-nominated for up to five consecutive years
  • Past recipients are not eligible for a duplicate award, but may be eligible for other University of Guelph-Humber Alumni Awards
  • All nomination packages shall be kept confidential. Nominators are requested to act with discretion when submitting a nomination package.
  • Alumni are permitted to self-nominate

Nomination must include the following:

  • Completed nomination form
  • Cover letter providing an overall statement of recommendation
  • Minimum of one, up to five letters of support
  • Additional supporting documentation you deem appropriate (i.e. nominee’s resume, URL to LinkedIn profile)
  • Nominations due by August 30, 2024.

Click here to submit a nomination for the Distinguished Alum Award.

Award Presentation 

Recipients will be invited to attend and be recognized at the University of Guelph-Humber’s virtual Alumni Reunion. More details will be provided in the coming weeks.