About In-Course Bursaries
We want to ensure that students complete their degrees, regardless of their financial circumstances. Undergraduate students typically apply for assistance in the fall semester each year, and the bursary is applied to their student account as a credit toward their winter semester fees. The deadline to apply for fall/winter bursaries is October 7. Students who will only be registered for one term can apply for a bursary during that term and will be assessed as the application is submitted. Students registered in the summer semester submit a separate Financial Need Assessment Form to apply for summer bursaries; the application deadline will be indicated on the form.
International Undergraduate
We support International students who are experiencing unexpected financial difficulties. Students should complete the International Undergraduate Student Financial Need Assessment Form and submit it to Student Financial Services.
For the most part, International students are eligible for scholarships where one of the criteria states 'financial need'. These awards can be identified in the scholarship listing of awards in the Academic Calendars and do not include bursaries or OSOTF/OTSS-funded awards.