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RSVP and Tickets

Convocation 2024 will be held on Monday, June 17, 2024, at the Toronto Congress Centre

Ceremony Times:
10:00am – Business, Community Social Services, Kinesiology, Media and Communication Studies, Psychology
2:30pm – Early Childhood Studies, Justice and Public Safety, Justice Studies

The University of Guelph-Humber uses a provider called MarchingOrder to manage the convocation registration and ticketing process.

All graduands who plan to attend their ceremony MUST register through MarchingOrder. Registration is required to attend the ceremony and claim their complimentary guest tickets. Instructions on how to register will be emailed to graduates in early May 2024.

Accessibility requests for graduates and guests can be made on MarchingOrder.

Registering in MarchingOrder

Once logged in to the MarchingOrder system, please check that the spelling of your name, your student number, academic program, and ceremony time are listed correctly.

You will be asked if you plan to attend your convocation ceremony – please indicate Yes or No. Indicating Yes will allow you to claim your three complimentary tickets.

Follow these steps when accessing your MarchingOrder account if you don't have access to the email. 

Graduands who plan to attend their ceremony in June 2024 will be able to register on MarchingOrder in May 2024.Each graduand will receive an email with a personalized link to their University of Guelph-Humber email address.

  1.  MarchingOrder will open the week of May 6, 2024.
  2. Go to the Marching Order website:
  3. Click “Register” under New User
  4. Enter your UofGH (GuelphHumber Email) email address
  5. An email will be sent to you prompting you to create a password
  6. Login and complete the form

Name Pronunciation

In an effort to enhance the graduation experience, MarchingOrder also allows you to submit a voice recording and phonetic spelling of your full name. Please speak slowly and review your recording for clarity. Name readers review the recordings before the ceremony but graduating students are encouraged to confirm pronunciation with the reader just prior to their name being announced on stage.

Pre-Ceremony Slideshow

We encourage graduating students to submit a personal message that will appear in a slideshow in the Convocation Hall prior to the ceremony. This makes for a keepsake for your class and friends and family – the audience loves seeing them!

Please remember this is a formal ceremony. We discourage you from using slang in your message; messages that contain derogatory and defamatory language will be removed from the slideshow.

Claiming Your Guest Tickets

Due to the size of the graduating class, we provide three (3) guest tickets to each graduate who RSVP’s to attend the ceremony. Note, children over the age of two require a ticket.  

We live stream the event, so all guests who are not able to attend are able to watch their graduate cross the stage.