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Parking on Campus

General Information 
Q&A Lot 3
Map of Lot 3 (Request a different format)
Q&A Queen's Plate
Map of Queen's Plate (Request a different format)
Queen's Plate Shuttle Schedule
Q&A GH Residence
Map of GH Residence (Request a different format)


If you occasionally drive to the University, a limited number of spaces are available in the Pay on Exit parking lots (Lots 05,06,08,10 & New Parking Garage).

The rates are as follows:

2 hours = $4

2-4 hours = $6

Over 4 hours(Daily Max.) = $10.

Payment methods are credit card, cash and coin.
There are no in-and-out privileges during the day.

General Permits

If you intend to drive to campus on a regular basis it is recommended you purchase a parking permit. Parking permits are required to park in most lots between the hours of midnight and 8:00 p.m. Monday to Friday

Guest Parking

Guests to the University of Guelph-Humber who are visiting on business must contact the staff or faculty member they are meeting with to arrange for visitor parking. Staff and faculty who are expecting visitors can email or complete the guest parking online form.

Motorcycle Parking Permits

Motorcycle parking is restricted to designated areas. If you normally drive an automobile and only ride a motorcycle on occasion, a special parking clip for your bike can be requested at no extra charge. Motorcycle permits can also be purchased on a semester basis for $88 for staff and students who don’t have a regular parking permit.

Parking for Students with Disabilities

Accessible parking spaces are available for staff and students with a valid Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Disabled Person Parking Permit and a valid University of Guelph-Humber parking permit. Individuals with a valid parking permit who have a temporary health or disability, may apply for a special Medical Parking Permit. A doctor’s medical certificate is required. The special permit is non-renewable and is valid for a maximum of 2 months. Medical Permit Holders must park in designated “MEDICAL” spaces and are not permitted to park in MTO Accessible parking spaces.

Parking Regulations

Parking Regulations and Municipal Bylaws are enforced 24 hours a day. It is the sole responsibility of the person parking to ensure that their vehicle is parked in accordance with the rules, and only in the lot authorized by the permit.